Thursday, April 9, 2009


Well, yesterday was a pretty good day. Not only did my daughter take a two hour nap (which usually doesn't happen) but I started cooking early aroung 2:30pm as she slept (which I usually don't do). But I am starting to think it makes sense. I usually wait until 5 or 6pm to start cooking dinner when I am home for most of the day. And then I am tired thereafter but starting early provides more opportunity for relaxation. Hmm...I guess I am learning slowly but surely!

After I cooked dinner, I watched Baby Einstein with my daughter. I am hoping she'll pick up the sign language since she's watching Baby Wordsworth so I try to do them whenever the opportunity comes along. Has anyone had their child pick up sign language? She's 11 months so maybe she'll start doing it at some point. She does mock other things that I do like if I hit my tongue to the roof of my mouth she'll try to do that but not quite the signs yet.

1 comment:

  1. We watched the Baby Einstein First Signs video since Savannah was a few months old. By 11 months old she was definitely using them, so it's possible for your daughter to be as well :-) "More" and "eat" were the two we practiced the most because I found them most helpful. Now at 2 she can do pretty much every sign in the video. Just make sure you use the signs when you do things to help her learn and understand when to use them. I LOVED having that communication with her.

    Good luck!
