Monday, April 27, 2009

The weekend

The zoo was fun. It was really crowded. I mean I don't think I have ever seen so many babies and strollers in my life. It was like everyone had one, including myself. We took the metro so the elevator had lines full of people and strollers. And it seemed that everyone had the same idea to take the metro to the zoo. But I guess it is early spring and people are anxious to take the kids to the zoo. We got there pretty late so we weren't able to see the lions, tigers, and bears..oh my! Well, we were able to see the Sloth Bears but not pandas. We're going to have to go back before it gets too hot to really see all the animals. It was just so much walking! My legs are still hurting and two days have past. There were pregnant women there who most look like they were in the second or third trimester. One look like she was due any day now. I couldn't imagine walking up all those hills pregnant because I am not even pregnant and I was so exhausted! It made me realize that I need to work out more...need some more physical activity in my life. I am thinking about taking kick boxing since my fiancee has his bowling so perhaps I need something of my own. Plus I am thinking it will help me lose the little small pouch left over from my pregnancy. The tupler exercises work well because my diastasis has closed or is almost there! Who knows if I work hard between now and July, I may be able to get into the bikini I've always worn before I had my daughter.
And today is going to be 90 degrees! It's not even May yet, I don't think I've ever seen it this hot in April. I guess you never know....maybe this global warming phenomenon is catching up to us afterall. Well, we're shopping for baby girls birthday decoration! I'm excited about her turning one and sad a little, too. I mean the whole year has been based on buying formula (since I did both breastfed and gave her formula) and she just ran out of formula yesterday, I gave her regular milk and she drank it. So, I have no more need to buy formula or that baby food. She is now one of the big people and eating table food. So, it is just diapers, which is great for me because I've been cutting down other expenses as well so this just adds to it.

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