Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What I miss about my life before child

Walking around the house naked...hmm...just kidding, I never did this.

I miss being able to just simply go to sleep whenever I wanted. Uh, priceless. Now not only am I the last one to fall asleep ( it is usually my fiancee, than the baby, then little ol' me) but I have to breastfeed her to sleep something I want to stop pretty soon. After she's asleep, I wait about 10-15 minutes to make sure she's really asleep than put her in her crib. Praying she doesn't wake up and I have to start all over again! Yikes! Even still she wakes up two hours later and ends up being in our bed through the rest of the night. But I figure she needs to get used to sleeping in her crib so I put her in there knowing she's going to wake up pretty soon.
It just feels like a long process. I just wish she'd just fall asleep on her own!

I also miss being able to make those small errands. You know what I mean? Your driving home and you think I should stop to get a lottery ticket but then you think of the process involved. Do I pull out her stroller, carry her in my arms, and the whole process of getting her out the car seat. Never mind.
Or just the ease of throwing on my clothes and making a quick run to the CVS. Now it's like getting her ready and fed, etc.

And lastly, just simply being able to rest and lounge on the couch for a good period of time without chasing someone all across the house.

Hmmm...did I mentioned I miss my nice flat stomach. I developed diastasis which I just learned about through reading Julie Tupler's book. So, now I am using her methods to close the diastasis. It's so much work! But she says 90% of women getting diastasis and simply doing crunchies can make it worse! Who knew?

But despite many of the inconveinences I mentioned, I love being a mom! It is such a joy to see her grow and see the world through her eyes! A lot of work but I would trade it for anything!

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