Saturday, May 7, 2011


I am breastfeeding my daughter who is 4 mos's funny because with my first born, I had planned to do the same but I felt really insecure about it at the hospital! I kept thinking is she getting anything?! Then she would still take the formula, so I was totally confused! So, I ended up doing both! lol

Since my second was in NICU and I had to pump to establish milk supply, I knew what she was getting....As she left the NICU, I worried if she would take the breast and she initially didn't want it. Now, the girl won't take the bottle! It's crazy! I can pump milk and put it in the bottle and she refuses to take it!

But anyway, I am not sure I am going to exclusively breastfeed but I am looking forward to her eating solids. I tried but I don't think she was quite ready so I'll try again next week or so.

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